Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why Crop Dog Ears

The decision to have your dogs ears cropped is a matter of preference. Some pet owners believe that a boxer looks much better with cropped ears and therefore opt for a surgical alteration in the structure. Others feel that the soft floppy ears give a soft look to their pet.

Many who are sensitive to animal suffering explicitly voice their dissent about this cruelty that is being meted out to some breeds of dogs. I personally feel that the boxer has been provided by the floppy ears by nature to actually cushion the otherwise gloomy expression that the breed has.

But there are people who prefer to crop the ears of their boxer pets to allow easy cleaning of the ear and prevent dog ear mites. They normally want to do this because drooping ears aid in creating a favorable environment for ear breed. Let me explain how it happens.

* Wax production in dog’s ears increases beyond normal levels due to certain conditions.
* The inner ear of a dog has vertical and horizontal canals.
* As debris accumulates in the ears of a dog, the horizontal and vertical canals prevent the dust from moving outwards.
* The long ear flap of a boxer prevents dry air from entering the ear freely.
* The moisture remains trapped in the ear.
* Moist and damp wax is an extremely favorable environment for the ear mites exist and breed.
* The condition becomes more critical in humid and warm climates where the probability of occurrence of this condition increases manifold.

Boxers can tolerate pain better than some of the other dog breeds. The temporary discomfort that is caused during the process of ear cropping lasts for only a few hours of surgery. High levels of sensitivity in the cropped ear last for a few days and care should be taken to avoid touching them. As for all surgeries, the element of risk associated with giving anesthesia exists for ear cropping surgery also.

If you are not in favor of cropping your boxers ears, make sure that you ensure a hygiene and cleanliness time-table for your pet. This plan should include home remedies for dog ear mitesthat can help you in preventing dog ear ear mites.

Prevention of cases of dog ear mites cat ear mites only requires that you implement good standard cleaning practices to ensure that the ear is cleaned thoroughly and properly.

For Ear cropping Kits visit